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8. Literature

Comprehensive Bibliography under:
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Amiet , P.: Les elamites inventaient l'ecriture, Archeologia 12, p. 16-23, (1966)
Anati , E.: Felsbilder, Bär, Zürich (1991)
Ba , A. H.: Wangrins seltsames Schicksal, Lembeck, Frankfurt/M (1986)
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Bach, Klaus, Otto Frei: Pneus in Natur und Technik, SFB 64 der DFG IL, Univ. Stuttgart (1977)
Bachofen, Johann J.: Das Mutterrecht, Hrsg. von Karl Meuli, Schwabe, Basel (1897)
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edition 1989 with a preface by Margaret Mead and a foreword by Mary Catherine Bateson, Daughter of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
Bernal , M.: Black Athena: the Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization
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Bernal , M.: Cadmean Letters, Eisenbrauns, Winoa Lake (1990)
Bloom , H.: The Lucifer Principle. A scientific expedition into the forces of history, Atlantic Monthly Press, New York (1995)
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Lucifer Related sites:
Bloom, WWW:
Heise Verlag: Telepolis Special
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Bornemann, Ernest: Das Patriarchat, Fischer, Frankfurt/M (1975)
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Calvin , W. H.: The cerebral symphony, Bantam, New York (1989)
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Caplan, Pat (ed.): The cultural construction of sexuality, Routledge, London (1987)
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Goppold, A. Comprehensive Bibliography under:
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Goppold, A.: Onoma homoion to pragmati: The Kratylos Hypothesis and the Semephonic Aoide Thought Structures, paper presented at: Semiotics of the Media, Kassel (1995)
Goppold, A.: Information and Third Order Ontology, FIS96, Vienna, BioSystems, in print (1998a)
Goppold, A.: Paticca Samuppada and Meta-Morphology, Horin, Düsseldorf (forthcoming: 1998b)
Goppold, A.: Goethe, Meta-Morphology, and the Polycontexturality of Gotthard Guenther, Evolution & Cognition, Altenberg (forthcoming: 1998c)
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Illich, Ivan: Gender, Pantheon, New York (1982)
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Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
Links to Other On-line Publications on Memetics
A Bibliography of Memetics - Journal of Memetics
The Lycaeum
Memes and Mind Viruses
Meyer, Eva: Zählen und Erzählen - Für eine Semiotik des Weiblichen, Medusa, Wien, Berlin (1983)
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