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Bits of Personal History

1979 (20 years ago): San Francisco Bay Area, Home Brew Computer Club in Palo Alto. Place where Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak presented their first Apple computer. Contact with the early microcomputer "hacker" scene and in that influence, own systems development approaches.

1984 (15 years ago): Article Series in Computerwoche: "Das Paradigma der Interaktiven Programmierung." Outline of the author's vision of the future of programming systems.

1985-1993: Development of Leibniz LPL Programming System. Originating initially as a stand-alone SW development system for industrial real-time control applications. In the development process, the system grew to about 10,000 functions in 100,000 lines code with 6 megabytes source, and 500 source and configuration files. In 1985 it was probably the first SW system that integrated the hypertext principle into the design programming language.

1993-1995: Definition of further stages of the LPL system. Conceptual development on the base of experiences with the system. Many articles and project papers. "Characteristica Universalis and the Origins of the Symbolator", "Infrastructures of Represesentation".

1995-1999: Work at FAW Ulm. Culture- and cognition theoretical researches. "The Symbolator Project", "Projekt Multimedia-Diskurs". Start of Dissertation project.

1999: Completion of Dissertation: “Design und Zeit - eine Systematik der Formen kultureller Transmission” im Fachbereich 5 “Design, Kunst- und Musikpädagogik, Druck” der Bergischen Universität (GH) Wuppertal

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