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6.1. Lit
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Goppold, A.: Die Logik der Lehre von der Leere: Die Shunyata
des Nagarjuna, FAW Ulm (1994)
This describes the main logical foundations and
principal differences of the Buddhist view as it went on its separate way with
the Axial Age (Jaspers), that crucial bifurcation in the history of human
thought, when the West took to the Parmenidean concept of static being, while
dropping the Heraklitean (and also Buddhist) view of an essential fluidic form
of existence, which is the paticca samuppada.
Basham: The wonder that was India (???)
Describes in detail
the civilization of India at its peak and its destruction through the muslim
invaders who set about as their first task to erase the Buddhist communities,
since the negative logic of the Nagarjuna school that was so prominent in India,
was considered as profoundly a-theistical and godless by the mono-theistic
muslims. So they tolerated to a degree the Hindu creeds and their gods, as
spiritually similar, but lesser variants of their own mono-theistic creed, but
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